was another fun night with Wrath of the Lich King, pwning face on my Death Knight of ultimate doom! I'm halfway to 63 now! WEW! Zzzzz.....Huh? Oh!
In order to accomplish this many levels, I basicly was leveling ALL FRIGGEN DAY and till about three in the morning. Once again, I've got about four hours of that nummy sleep before I had to get up.
World of Warcraft is really addicting, of course. I didn't even level this fast on my mage when I had hit Hellfire. It took me a couple days to complete all the Hellfire quests but I did that in one, plus some of the Zangarmarsh quests!
So far I have tried out all three specs! Heres what I think on the specs.
Blood- Blood is pretty much just single target dps. You want to rape one target with lots and lots of health? Blood Knight HOooooo! Blood Knights get a buncha nifty things to add to crit rating, bonus damage and even some handy skills you want to spec into.
Rune Blade is a weapon that is summoned after you blow 60 runic power for it. It is supposed to use the same attacks as you but I have had some conditions where it hasn't exactly done that. Mehh, oh well. Also, it has abilities to make your unholy and frost runes have a chance to become death runes which are able to be used as any of the three. It comes in handy when spamming blood moves in a fight.
There is also Improved Rune Tap which, when you use it, it will give you 20% of your health back. But wait, if you spec into blood funnel or whatever the hell its called, it will give you even more health! This is helpful in just plain never having to stop! Take that warriors! HAW!
One thing I would recomend staying away from is Hysteria. Sure, you give somebody 20% more damage for their attacks but it takes away 1% of their health for 30 seconds. In that 30 seconds, it can prove to be a problem to you if your not careful! Plus blood does plenty of damage anyways. If you intend to be doing a lot of instancing or having a healer with you...then get it. I suppose I'm just paranoid about dying with it. *Shrug* Now that I think about really will only be taking off 72 health for me when I use it on my DK. Maybe it -IS- worth it.
Frost- You are a tank of ultimate doomz. With a grand amount of frost spells, you can tank and rape on dps yourself! Frost is all about increasing the amount of armor you got if you spec right. Also it is about spell resistance. And not...getting stunned. It has a GREAT move that increases your armor by 25%, strength by 10%, and parry by 5%. Guess what kinda cooldown it has? 1 minute. Holy SH--
Frost is really a tank with epic dps. Death grip helps pull things that are in tight areas. I was in Blood Furnace and got up the stairs. You know the set of mobs where it has two orcs and an imp? And that warlock that patrols there. Well heres what happened!
Warlock: HA! Prepare to die! If you move forward you will aggro one or two of these groups! Bwuahahaha! Imma charging my SHADOW BOLT!
DK: ..... *Death grips the warlock, ripping him through the air and bringing him to directly stand infront of you.*
Warlock: Hey....thats cheating! OW! Q_Q
That basic move for all death knight specs, being a base move, makes the DK SUPER FRIGGEN HELPFUL in like all the instances. Whenever you have a tight pull, have the DK pull. Not matter what spec, we can still take some damage!
Unholy- Oh yes...the unholyness within your soul will burst out like the black alien thing from your stomach like those things in the Alien movie. =P Unholy is pretty much area magics. Using your plague strike(If you spec right) will cause a area of blight to spill around you, causing your damage to increase 5%.
You get an area move at the bottom of the Unholy tree that causes everything around you to be attacked like bugs just like good ol' Frozen Throne. This, combined with death and decay is good for burning down bunches of mobs or even just two!
Summons! When you spec into Master of Ghouls, you can summon your ghoul and it does not go away until you die or it dies. It even gets a little unique Ratstealer! Also, you can learn to summon a gargoyle at the same time, just as long as you have some runic power, you can keep that Gargoyle out for about a minute as well as the ghoul.
DK: ....Wow.... I have so many skills I do not know what to do with them all.
That is get so many spells that you have to throw them up on the side bars and such so you can keep them out!
The Death Knight is a Heroic class. It sure as hell puts out.
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