So, there are a buncha level 80's now! My question is....
WHY in the HELL would you WANT to be that kind of person?!
"Oh yeah! Look at me! I'm 80 in two days! See?! Look at my e-peen!"
....No...simply no. Your level 80 only means that you have no life really. What did ya take off work/school for a couple days and sat there unmoving at your computer screen? What a WASTE! You know, nobody thinks your cool for being 80 already. Sure, people like you in groups but they are thinking that your a complete goon in the back of their mind.
I, myself, am rather burnt out after questing a lot so I actually went to BGs and had some fun. Did Wintergrasp, did some roleplaying, had a bunch of fun while you level 80's were out there strutting your level 80 self around infront of people.
I mean it's just SAD! UGH! Its not really a big accomplishment but ya know what is funny?
It announces the first level 80's. But here is the truth in the message.
"So and so has reached level 80! They are the first level 80 human, mage, and 80 on the server! They must have just sat their ass on the computer cheering as they slowly passed out from sleep deprivation! WOOO! Grats Loser!"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm in Love with Wintergrasp
Ahhhh Wintergrasp! Such a great pvp event. Every two and a half hours too.
Destroyable towers, walls, doors, the works. Incredible vehicles to burn down foolish hordies, a nice buff if your outnumbered. This place is damn near elite and the most epic place I have ever been.
The battle goes on for 40 minutes where your either on defense or offense. Last night, alliance was conquering! 4 Wintergrasp wins in a row so we controlled the keep. On offense you have one goal, defend the keep and its walls. There are two goblin workshops behind the walls as defensive resorts for when the horde burst into your walls. But, all the action goes on right outside the keep.
Gradually as you kill horde, you get little ranks. After 10 kills you get corporal which allows you to make a vehicle in the goblin workshop! Rank 2: 20 kills: First Leuitenant: Allows the ability to make all the vehicles of the workshop! Now, depending on your rank, you get marks. First Lt. gets 3 marks, corporal gets 2, killing a hordie(NPC or player) gets you one, and if your stupid and just sit in the keep, you get ZERO! HAW HAW HAW!
If your on offense, you start out with two workshops, no walls to defend your three towers. Your vulnerable pretty much. But if you want the keep, you have to keep going forward! CHARGE! One of the best tactics is to use four players to get to corp or first lt. to get some vehicles and hit the eastern, western, s west, s east walls. This causes the defense to scramble around in a confused blur, allowing you to at least open one part of the wall to invade and kill! On my server, there doesn't seem to be many people doing Wintergrasp, which makes me sad that I have to run around killing NPC's for 40 minutes, getting my rank up and such that way.
Dontcha think it would be epic for like... a 100 alliance to fight 100 horde in an attempt to keep the keep? =P I think so. It would be incredible. Plus the honor would be grand. 2 and a half hours is the cooldown on the fight. You get 2000 honor if you win. Do it four times and lookie got 8000 honor for participating in such an epic fight. PLUS the honor you get from annihilating the horde trying to invade. You can easily get 10 grand honor a day from this. You just have to set some sort of timer to remind yourself that Wintergrasp is starting soon. Hell, log out in Wintergrasp! Do the battle, log out, go do something else productive on other characters or in real life and then log onto that character for the 40 minute battle.
I like this place because it creates a new feel to pvp for us. It makes us feel like we accomplish something when we punch down that tower or wall and cheer as we finally conquer the horde as a team! And I say defending is much more fun! Manning the turrets, blasting away at players and vehicles as they try to hit your big massive gates. It is just so amazing.
I LOVE Wintergrasp.
Destroyable towers, walls, doors, the works. Incredible vehicles to burn down foolish hordies, a nice buff if your outnumbered. This place is damn near elite and the most epic place I have ever been.
The battle goes on for 40 minutes where your either on defense or offense. Last night, alliance was conquering! 4 Wintergrasp wins in a row so we controlled the keep. On offense you have one goal, defend the keep and its walls. There are two goblin workshops behind the walls as defensive resorts for when the horde burst into your walls. But, all the action goes on right outside the keep.
Gradually as you kill horde, you get little ranks. After 10 kills you get corporal which allows you to make a vehicle in the goblin workshop! Rank 2: 20 kills: First Leuitenant: Allows the ability to make all the vehicles of the workshop! Now, depending on your rank, you get marks. First Lt. gets 3 marks, corporal gets 2, killing a hordie(NPC or player) gets you one, and if your stupid and just sit in the keep, you get ZERO! HAW HAW HAW!
If your on offense, you start out with two workshops, no walls to defend your three towers. Your vulnerable pretty much. But if you want the keep, you have to keep going forward! CHARGE! One of the best tactics is to use four players to get to corp or first lt. to get some vehicles and hit the eastern, western, s west, s east walls. This causes the defense to scramble around in a confused blur, allowing you to at least open one part of the wall to invade and kill! On my server, there doesn't seem to be many people doing Wintergrasp, which makes me sad that I have to run around killing NPC's for 40 minutes, getting my rank up and such that way.
Dontcha think it would be epic for like... a 100 alliance to fight 100 horde in an attempt to keep the keep? =P I think so. It would be incredible. Plus the honor would be grand. 2 and a half hours is the cooldown on the fight. You get 2000 honor if you win. Do it four times and lookie got 8000 honor for participating in such an epic fight. PLUS the honor you get from annihilating the horde trying to invade. You can easily get 10 grand honor a day from this. You just have to set some sort of timer to remind yourself that Wintergrasp is starting soon. Hell, log out in Wintergrasp! Do the battle, log out, go do something else productive on other characters or in real life and then log onto that character for the 40 minute battle.
I like this place because it creates a new feel to pvp for us. It makes us feel like we accomplish something when we punch down that tower or wall and cheer as we finally conquer the horde as a team! And I say defending is much more fun! Manning the turrets, blasting away at players and vehicles as they try to hit your big massive gates. It is just so amazing.
I LOVE Wintergrasp.
Monday, November 17, 2008
So yeah...Death knight....71...halfway to 72.
Too tired to really blog about how I went and got the "Nothing Boring about Borean" achievment.
Nor do I feel like talking about how I got to Dalaran and now its my heart. And the fact that I bought a toy train set for 237 gold...expensive....
Too tired to really blog about how I went and got the "Nothing Boring about Borean" achievment.
Nor do I feel like talking about how I got to Dalaran and now its my heart. And the fact that I bought a toy train set for 237 gold...expensive....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Friday!
So it is Friday today, guys and gals! Woooo! The weekend is but a couple hour away from me, where I will then continue the ultimate leveling of my Death Knight.
Can you believe that somebody could level a death knight to 71 already?! They must have either had a bot, some chinese friend with no life who sits at home, never sleeping, never eating, just leveling.
It sure as hell is crazy. And I thought I was leveling fast! GAWD! My friends are really curious as to why I do not want to go experience Northrend yet. I have two level 70 characters that could be going there but I decided that Death Knight will be my first character to step a foot onto Northrend soil. Why? I have no idea. I'm just gonna mass level my death knight.
I intend to hit raiding with my death knight quite a bit. I wanna see what the Lich King drops when he has the shit kicked out of him, when he finally takes the last hit and dies in sweet burning oblivion.
Can you believe that somebody could level a death knight to 71 already?! They must have either had a bot, some chinese friend with no life who sits at home, never sleeping, never eating, just leveling.
It sure as hell is crazy. And I thought I was leveling fast! GAWD! My friends are really curious as to why I do not want to go experience Northrend yet. I have two level 70 characters that could be going there but I decided that Death Knight will be my first character to step a foot onto Northrend soil. Why? I have no idea. I'm just gonna mass level my death knight.
I intend to hit raiding with my death knight quite a bit. I wanna see what the Lich King drops when he has the shit kicked out of him, when he finally takes the last hit and dies in sweet burning oblivion.
Sleep...Does...not...exist... was another fun night with Wrath of the Lich King, pwning face on my Death Knight of ultimate doom! I'm halfway to 63 now! WEW! Zzzzz.....Huh? Oh!
In order to accomplish this many levels, I basicly was leveling ALL FRIGGEN DAY and till about three in the morning. Once again, I've got about four hours of that nummy sleep before I had to get up.
World of Warcraft is really addicting, of course. I didn't even level this fast on my mage when I had hit Hellfire. It took me a couple days to complete all the Hellfire quests but I did that in one, plus some of the Zangarmarsh quests!
So far I have tried out all three specs! Heres what I think on the specs.
Blood- Blood is pretty much just single target dps. You want to rape one target with lots and lots of health? Blood Knight HOooooo! Blood Knights get a buncha nifty things to add to crit rating, bonus damage and even some handy skills you want to spec into.
Rune Blade is a weapon that is summoned after you blow 60 runic power for it. It is supposed to use the same attacks as you but I have had some conditions where it hasn't exactly done that. Mehh, oh well. Also, it has abilities to make your unholy and frost runes have a chance to become death runes which are able to be used as any of the three. It comes in handy when spamming blood moves in a fight.
There is also Improved Rune Tap which, when you use it, it will give you 20% of your health back. But wait, if you spec into blood funnel or whatever the hell its called, it will give you even more health! This is helpful in just plain never having to stop! Take that warriors! HAW!
One thing I would recomend staying away from is Hysteria. Sure, you give somebody 20% more damage for their attacks but it takes away 1% of their health for 30 seconds. In that 30 seconds, it can prove to be a problem to you if your not careful! Plus blood does plenty of damage anyways. If you intend to be doing a lot of instancing or having a healer with you...then get it. I suppose I'm just paranoid about dying with it. *Shrug* Now that I think about really will only be taking off 72 health for me when I use it on my DK. Maybe it -IS- worth it.
Frost- You are a tank of ultimate doomz. With a grand amount of frost spells, you can tank and rape on dps yourself! Frost is all about increasing the amount of armor you got if you spec right. Also it is about spell resistance. And not...getting stunned. It has a GREAT move that increases your armor by 25%, strength by 10%, and parry by 5%. Guess what kinda cooldown it has? 1 minute. Holy SH--
Frost is really a tank with epic dps. Death grip helps pull things that are in tight areas. I was in Blood Furnace and got up the stairs. You know the set of mobs where it has two orcs and an imp? And that warlock that patrols there. Well heres what happened!
Warlock: HA! Prepare to die! If you move forward you will aggro one or two of these groups! Bwuahahaha! Imma charging my SHADOW BOLT!
DK: ..... *Death grips the warlock, ripping him through the air and bringing him to directly stand infront of you.*
Warlock: Hey....thats cheating! OW! Q_Q
That basic move for all death knight specs, being a base move, makes the DK SUPER FRIGGEN HELPFUL in like all the instances. Whenever you have a tight pull, have the DK pull. Not matter what spec, we can still take some damage!
Unholy- Oh yes...the unholyness within your soul will burst out like the black alien thing from your stomach like those things in the Alien movie. =P Unholy is pretty much area magics. Using your plague strike(If you spec right) will cause a area of blight to spill around you, causing your damage to increase 5%.
You get an area move at the bottom of the Unholy tree that causes everything around you to be attacked like bugs just like good ol' Frozen Throne. This, combined with death and decay is good for burning down bunches of mobs or even just two!
Summons! When you spec into Master of Ghouls, you can summon your ghoul and it does not go away until you die or it dies. It even gets a little unique Ratstealer! Also, you can learn to summon a gargoyle at the same time, just as long as you have some runic power, you can keep that Gargoyle out for about a minute as well as the ghoul.
DK: ....Wow.... I have so many skills I do not know what to do with them all.
That is get so many spells that you have to throw them up on the side bars and such so you can keep them out!
The Death Knight is a Heroic class. It sure as hell puts out.
In order to accomplish this many levels, I basicly was leveling ALL FRIGGEN DAY and till about three in the morning. Once again, I've got about four hours of that nummy sleep before I had to get up.
World of Warcraft is really addicting, of course. I didn't even level this fast on my mage when I had hit Hellfire. It took me a couple days to complete all the Hellfire quests but I did that in one, plus some of the Zangarmarsh quests!
So far I have tried out all three specs! Heres what I think on the specs.
Blood- Blood is pretty much just single target dps. You want to rape one target with lots and lots of health? Blood Knight HOooooo! Blood Knights get a buncha nifty things to add to crit rating, bonus damage and even some handy skills you want to spec into.
Rune Blade is a weapon that is summoned after you blow 60 runic power for it. It is supposed to use the same attacks as you but I have had some conditions where it hasn't exactly done that. Mehh, oh well. Also, it has abilities to make your unholy and frost runes have a chance to become death runes which are able to be used as any of the three. It comes in handy when spamming blood moves in a fight.
There is also Improved Rune Tap which, when you use it, it will give you 20% of your health back. But wait, if you spec into blood funnel or whatever the hell its called, it will give you even more health! This is helpful in just plain never having to stop! Take that warriors! HAW!
One thing I would recomend staying away from is Hysteria. Sure, you give somebody 20% more damage for their attacks but it takes away 1% of their health for 30 seconds. In that 30 seconds, it can prove to be a problem to you if your not careful! Plus blood does plenty of damage anyways. If you intend to be doing a lot of instancing or having a healer with you...then get it. I suppose I'm just paranoid about dying with it. *Shrug* Now that I think about really will only be taking off 72 health for me when I use it on my DK. Maybe it -IS- worth it.
Frost- You are a tank of ultimate doomz. With a grand amount of frost spells, you can tank and rape on dps yourself! Frost is all about increasing the amount of armor you got if you spec right. Also it is about spell resistance. And not...getting stunned. It has a GREAT move that increases your armor by 25%, strength by 10%, and parry by 5%. Guess what kinda cooldown it has? 1 minute. Holy SH--
Frost is really a tank with epic dps. Death grip helps pull things that are in tight areas. I was in Blood Furnace and got up the stairs. You know the set of mobs where it has two orcs and an imp? And that warlock that patrols there. Well heres what happened!
Warlock: HA! Prepare to die! If you move forward you will aggro one or two of these groups! Bwuahahaha! Imma charging my SHADOW BOLT!
DK: ..... *Death grips the warlock, ripping him through the air and bringing him to directly stand infront of you.*
Warlock: Hey....thats cheating! OW! Q_Q
That basic move for all death knight specs, being a base move, makes the DK SUPER FRIGGEN HELPFUL in like all the instances. Whenever you have a tight pull, have the DK pull. Not matter what spec, we can still take some damage!
Unholy- Oh yes...the unholyness within your soul will burst out like the black alien thing from your stomach like those things in the Alien movie. =P Unholy is pretty much area magics. Using your plague strike(If you spec right) will cause a area of blight to spill around you, causing your damage to increase 5%.
You get an area move at the bottom of the Unholy tree that causes everything around you to be attacked like bugs just like good ol' Frozen Throne. This, combined with death and decay is good for burning down bunches of mobs or even just two!
Summons! When you spec into Master of Ghouls, you can summon your ghoul and it does not go away until you die or it dies. It even gets a little unique Ratstealer! Also, you can learn to summon a gargoyle at the same time, just as long as you have some runic power, you can keep that Gargoyle out for about a minute as well as the ghoul.
DK: ....Wow.... I have so many skills I do not know what to do with them all.
That is get so many spells that you have to throw them up on the side bars and such so you can keep them out!
The Death Knight is a Heroic class. It sure as hell puts out.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Spacing out
Don't you just hate it when you space out? You totally ignore everything around you and sink into your own mind. I just happened to do this in a local bathroom. My mind raced on and on until a voice from behind me came out of no where.
I didn't even notice him come in really. I looked back, blinked at him and asked "What?" He shrugged and went over to do his business while my eyes returned to the mirror, once again plunging into my mind.
I think it is just because I was up till friggen 4 this morning and only got 3 hours of sleep. Or maybe I have too many things on my mind. Though, spacing out is rather good, I would say. You place yourself in a quiet place and allow your thoughts to race, allowing you to relieve some pressure on the mind.
Also, blogging helps that as well. I suppose that guy thinks I was weird or something by just sitting there spacing out infront of the mirror. Maybe I am weird! =P
Yes, it must be my tired-ness. I'm even starting to space out while I type this up. I really need to go crash in a couple hours.
I didn't even notice him come in really. I looked back, blinked at him and asked "What?" He shrugged and went over to do his business while my eyes returned to the mirror, once again plunging into my mind.
I think it is just because I was up till friggen 4 this morning and only got 3 hours of sleep. Or maybe I have too many things on my mind. Though, spacing out is rather good, I would say. You place yourself in a quiet place and allow your thoughts to race, allowing you to relieve some pressure on the mind.
Also, blogging helps that as well. I suppose that guy thinks I was weird or something by just sitting there spacing out infront of the mirror. Maybe I am weird! =P
Yes, it must be my tired-ness. I'm even starting to space out while I type this up. I really need to go crash in a couple hours.
Death Knights!
So, I went and got Wrath of the Lich King around 12:40 last night. I stared at the case of the game, as if the very Lich King himself were staring back at me, egging me onto play the game. So I taught thats son of a----
---bitch a lesson by installing the game! HA! Take that you bastard! I'm playing Wrath! *Flex.* Anywho, I declared to all my friends that I would not even try to TOUCH Northrend until my Death Knight was available to go. Currently got him to 59 after about 3 hours of gameplay.
You start out in the great Ebon Hold. The Lich King is straight behind you just as you log into your character in all his evil glory. So then, you start a big set of chain of quests, going on attacks on frost wyrms, hiding in mining carts, and a bunch of other quests.
For most of the quests, you get talent points! With some of the quests you even get 6, which is a big help. It scales all the way up until 55, plus the talent point you get for every level. So I was 58 by the time I actually left the Death Knight starting area. You HAVE to do all the quests in order to leave. Or you could wander around like an idiot =)
But I do not want to spoil the entire things to the readers. Make your own death knights. Go see what happens in the end! It is a very interesting questline. But, then your finally released and on your way to Outland...or you just do some quests in Azeroth.
Death knights pretty much own face in melee. They barely take damage when being attacked by a melee mob but they have a weakness. And that weakness is magic. Remember when you'd start that new alliance alt, hit westfall and encounter those mages who would take away a third of your health with one fireball? Yeah...kinda the same.
I encountered a group of casters. Three of them. As I started out, I thought it was going pretty well until the three shadowbolts hit me. There went about a tenth of my health with every shadowbolt! O_O! So I then began to rape face, my loyal ghoul by my side, leaping through the air at them, gnawing at them, owning their little caster faces.
But alas, I died. Though, I had specced in unholy...and you know what happens then right? I soon saw some sort of circle appear around my corpse and I was revived as a ghoul, fighting alongside of my pet. 45 seconds was the counter we destroyed the last caster quick and I simply clicked off the now 20 second buff, dying for real this time and running back to my corpse.
After reviving, I went towards Netherguard keep in hopes to hit Outland. Too bad I passed out near my laptop, later finding myself in Netherguard this morning. Overall, I think Death Knights will be an epic class...and soon magic will not be so bad after I get my antimagic shield! =)
---bitch a lesson by installing the game! HA! Take that you bastard! I'm playing Wrath! *Flex.* Anywho, I declared to all my friends that I would not even try to TOUCH Northrend until my Death Knight was available to go. Currently got him to 59 after about 3 hours of gameplay.
You start out in the great Ebon Hold. The Lich King is straight behind you just as you log into your character in all his evil glory. So then, you start a big set of chain of quests, going on attacks on frost wyrms, hiding in mining carts, and a bunch of other quests.
For most of the quests, you get talent points! With some of the quests you even get 6, which is a big help. It scales all the way up until 55, plus the talent point you get for every level. So I was 58 by the time I actually left the Death Knight starting area. You HAVE to do all the quests in order to leave. Or you could wander around like an idiot =)
But I do not want to spoil the entire things to the readers. Make your own death knights. Go see what happens in the end! It is a very interesting questline. But, then your finally released and on your way to Outland...or you just do some quests in Azeroth.
Death knights pretty much own face in melee. They barely take damage when being attacked by a melee mob but they have a weakness. And that weakness is magic. Remember when you'd start that new alliance alt, hit westfall and encounter those mages who would take away a third of your health with one fireball? Yeah...kinda the same.
I encountered a group of casters. Three of them. As I started out, I thought it was going pretty well until the three shadowbolts hit me. There went about a tenth of my health with every shadowbolt! O_O! So I then began to rape face, my loyal ghoul by my side, leaping through the air at them, gnawing at them, owning their little caster faces.
But alas, I died. Though, I had specced in unholy...and you know what happens then right? I soon saw some sort of circle appear around my corpse and I was revived as a ghoul, fighting alongside of my pet. 45 seconds was the counter we destroyed the last caster quick and I simply clicked off the now 20 second buff, dying for real this time and running back to my corpse.
After reviving, I went towards Netherguard keep in hopes to hit Outland. Too bad I passed out near my laptop, later finding myself in Netherguard this morning. Overall, I think Death Knights will be an epic class...and soon magic will not be so bad after I get my antimagic shield! =)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I enjoy giving my readers many choices on what they want to read. That is why I post multiple times in a day! I have a lot of stuff that rushes through this brain of mine everyday! A racing mind is a good mind though.
"Hey look a psychotic story...I don't like eet!" Then you can always go down to the next post. =D
Like tonight, I am going to be getting Wrath of the Lich King!
Straight away when I get home with that expansion, I will probably be posting while I download, describing the epicness of the very cover of the damn game. ^_^
I forgot what else I was gonna say.....
"Hey look a psychotic story...I don't like eet!" Then you can always go down to the next post. =D
Like tonight, I am going to be getting Wrath of the Lich King!
Straight away when I get home with that expansion, I will probably be posting while I download, describing the epicness of the very cover of the damn game. ^_^
I forgot what else I was gonna say.....
Proof of My Psychosis!
My recent story...Yes, I'm disturbed...sometimes xP
Slowly, his eyelids rose up, blurred in vision but able to tell that he was no longer in the sweet warm safety of his large bed but outside, the sky's stars winking at him from above. His smooth hands came up to rub away the sleepiness at both eyes, his thoughts racing. Where was he? How the hell did he get to this place. A long sigh escaped his mouth, casting host breath into the cool breeze, carrying it away.
He had done everything just as he had done the night before, played his games with his friends, relaxed, didn't allow his eyes to tear from the computer screen. He was average in strength and rather tall. Six feet. His brother must have stole him from his bed and placed him outside as a trick, how, though, was very unbelievable. He was an incredibly light sleeper. Merely, opening his bedroom door would have awakened him from his deep slumber.
Maybe he was sleeping, he thought. Yes, he had to be sleeping, but, since when did dreams feel so realistic? When did dreams give you the same sense of touch as real life? This was so confusing to him!
His hands tore away from his eyes and he gazed up at the sky again, slowly pushing himself and looking down at himself, white skin exposed, all clothing gone but the boxers that he had stripped down to last night. He placed a hand down onto the grass, propping himself up a little as he flung the rest of his body up to his feet, his knees cracking loudly.
Tunnel vision filled the man's eyes, stumbling a little as everything went black, his arms hanging loosely down as he fell into the grass again, mumbling incoherantly. Low blood pressure sucked. Soon, vision came back to his eyes and he growled. He pushed himself into the front leaning rest position and jumped his feet up in between his hands, slowly pushing himself up again.
The surroundings were now clear to him now that he had recovered, gazing around at rather large trees, towering up into the air. There were not trees like this where he lived! He couldn't believe that even the trees in the forests in South America or in the Forests could reach this height. He obviously was in a forest clearing but this was no forest like he had ever seen.
His eyes soon went to a sight that suprised him, causing his heart to skip a beat. There was some sort of stone structure, a square purple archway hanging over it. The water there was glowing! It was a mix between a bright blue and a white, little white sprites giving off from the waters. A moonwell. His eyebrow raised and he twitched a little.
"There is no way in hell...that what I am looking at is real." He told himself, ruffling his dark short brown hair. He shivered and quickly rushed over towards the moonwell, his feet brushing across the cold grass, tickling the bottoms of his feet.
As he neared it, he heard a noise that sounded as if somebody was plucking at a string, a object flying past him, about a couple feet away from him. His eyes widened and he dropped to the ground, army crawling rapidly through the grass, a couple more arrows whizzing above him. He slipped behind the moonwell, using the stone as protection from the arrow.
What a damned bad place this was to drop in! Waking up freezing, no idea where the hell he is, and something firing arrows at him. He slowly peaked his head up just in time to watch a light purple like person burst from the shadows of the forest's trees. Long ears extended behind the woman's head, glowing silver eyes managing to meet the ocean blues of her target.
Such a graceful woman, sprinting with such ease towards him. He could not believe it. An elf was going to try to kill him. She was wearing barely any armor at all, purple mail armor sliding over just enough to cover her areas of privacy.
Now was the time to ensure that he stayed alive against this graceful foe. His blue eyes shot to the quiver that hung on her back. It looked to be about four more arrows. How unprepared and unprofessional! He sighed, placing a hand on the grass, crouching down low. With great speed of his own, he burst out from the cover of the moonwell, racing towards the forest, listening closely.
One arrow, just to his right. He zig zagged, trying to throw off her aim. Another to his left. He let out a loud mocking laugh back at her, not allowing himself to look back as he ran for his life. A sharp pain slid through his bicep, an arrow just grazing it. And finally, he dove, knowing that she wished for the killing shot. As he hit the ground, he heard the air rush by above him, carrying an arrow to hit the trees of the forest.
He popped up to his feet, growling lowly and whirling around to see his foe, standing, her bow still up but without a arrow to knock. He could tell she was pissed. Her very form shook with anger, throwing down her bow as she sprinted towards him again, unarmed, the way he liked it. He sprinted towards her himself, aiming to engage her.
As he closed in, her speed proved to be superior over his basic combat skills, using her body as a weapon. She lunged forward, curling up her body, hitting him in the stomach like a bowling ball. The breath left him as he was cast backwards through the air, the tall and agile elf uncurling in midair, bringing a soft foot to his chest, slamming him down into the ground as he slid across the ground, kicking up dirt and grass.
The momentum threw the elf forward, flying through the air and doing a front flip before she gracefully landed on the ground, her eyes locked on her opponent who seemed to act unphased by the hit, hand springing himself up to his feet, a collection of grass, dirt and a little bit of blood mixed onto his back. He whirled around, hunched over slightly from the hit and grinned.
The elf attacked with incredible speed, combinations of punches and kicks launching like a whirlwind. Each attack hit vital points on the man's body, causing him to be vulnerable to the attacks, blood bursting from his lower lip as a heel connected with his face. Her fighting style was repetative...and he knew the way to counterattack.
To her suprise, the man, bloody and battered, block a finaly kick to his stomach, his left hand catching the top of her foot and his right hand holding the bottom of her heel. She growled and tried to kick his head with the other, foot, whirling around and yelping painfully as he ducked but did not release her foot, twisting it into an awkward position.
His actions were quick, allowing the heel to rest in the palm of his hand for a moment as he began to pull the top of her foot down. His other hand reacted by thrusting the heel upward, twisting the foot into a great and brutal fashion. SNAP! He could hear her screams echo throughout the forest, the bone bursting from her skin at the ankle, blood spraying out towards the man, blood splatter hitting his bare chest.
Clawing at the ground, she could not think, the pain was so intense that she couldn't focus. She didn't even notice the man's cold hands being placed onto her other foot, following the same process with that foot as the other, the bone snapping quickly with his strength. The crippled elf cried out, rapidly spouting out some unknown language out into the forest.
Anger welled up inside of him, growling lowly down at her. He quickly grabbed her long purple hand and yanked backwards, dragging her slowly towards the moonwell, cries of pain echoing through the clearing.
"You DARE cry out for help after you have attacked ME?! You foolish elven whore! Your screams will be silenced soon, oh and how sweet the final screams will be as your life fades away!" The man spat out, looking down at her, her hands gripping at his wrist, helpless it seemed at this very moment.
They arrived at the moonwell and the man quickly placed her head onto the stone side, forcing her mouth open and placing her teeth onto the edge of the moonwell. He brought up his elbow and smashed it down onto the back of her head, watching as the teeth split outwards, blood spraying across the stone and into the glowing waters of the moonwell. Only a grin slid across this man's face.
Her cries split through the air, muffled by the stone. Her conciousness almost being lost. He allowed her a few moments to recover only slightly, hearing her whimpers like an angelic tune from a violin. Then he continued.
He brought her head up and made a mocking whimpering sound at her, causing her to cry out in frustration.
"Telegram for one bitchy night elf! SUPRISE!" He laughed and slammed her head into the stone, hearing a muffled crack. Then again, more cracking. Repeatedly, he found himself mashing the elf's skull into the moonwell, blood dribbling from her head. He panted heavily, heaving the woman up and sliding her into the waters of the moonwell. He jumped up himself, looking down upon her as more and more blood began to mix into the moonwell.
"Oh how one would wish for death right now, hmmm? I'm sure you do. I'm sure your heart just is begging to stop its long and hard work, having to support such a vile life in this world of unknown. And I will grant you what your heart desires...but just...not....yet."
He jumped down into the moonwell, causing the glowing liquid to spray across her face. She mumbled, dazed, destroyed, wishing for a savior. The man's dark form loomed over her, that grin never fading. He reached down and grabbed onto the bare bone that had split out her ankle. He began to pull slowly, causing the elf to thrash about with more intense pain as she felt it being snapped in more places. Soon, the man had a foot long bloody bone within his hands.
He observed the bone that had been removed from her leg, noticing that a nice point had been created at the break. He smiled lightly and began to rapidly stab into the elf's wrist, working his way up to the shoulder on both arms, the glowing moonwell's water soon turning to a glowing red color, corrupting it with elven blood.
"So peaceful like...such a natural elf, feeling the grips of pain within her body. Oh yes, how your screams echo into my mind like a sweet melody." He said, bringing a rough hand across her face, the other driving into the elf's stomach, causing her to gasp out in pain as the grips of death began to take hold of her. He leaned up to her ear and quietly whispered, "Let death take your vile soul from this world unknown...."
The bone stabbed into the elf's jugular, causing her to choke and weakly grab at her neck as the bone tore away from her, blood spraying from her throat. Finally, after a few moments of intense bleeding, her life faded away, leaving her to bleed more and more into the moonwell. A quiet voice spoke from the forest, his ocean blue eyes shooting towards the trees. He ducked lowly, staring off towards the source over the voice.
A small elven girl emerged from the forest's edge, looking over towards the moonwell curiously. She had never seen a moonwell glow red before! And she could faintly see her mother laying in it, her head facing the opposite way. She wore a little dress, holding a little wolf pup in her arms. She rushed over to the moonwell, seeking to see what her mommy was up to.
She looked down at the steps, slowly climbing over the rather large steps for her to get to the edge of the moonwell. Her glowing silver eyes looked at the water, unable to see through it, tainted by too much redness. As her eyes fell onto her mother's dead body, gasping out and tearing up, something stirred underneath the waters.
His head slowly rose from under the bloody moonwell's water, slowly opening his eyes, blood flicking off his eyelashes as he did so. A little elven girl. How sweet, he thought. His hand lunged out and grabbed the little girl's short green hair, yanking her and the little pup into the water.
The elven girl coughed heavily as she rose up in the water, trying to rub the blood from her eyes. Meanwhile, the pup was growling and swimming towards the man. He chuckled softly, grabbing it by the head, clamping its head with the iron grips of a death soon to come.
He lifted it from the water, grabbing its lower body with his free hand. Such a easy twist, listening to the small crack in the wolf pup's neck, the little thing going limp in his hands. He slipped over just in time as the little girl allowed her eyes to open again, recovering the the blood in her eyes. He lifted the dead pup infront of her eyes and waved it around in her face, using two fingers to make the puppy give a little wave to the girl.
The instant the dead pup waved at her, she began to scream in a high pitch, trying to back up but a hand held her there, mashing the puppy into her face, causing her to cry out louder, pleading somebody to help her. The man chuckled and mocked her, making a high pitched scream himself in her ear. Then he stuck his lips by her ear and yelled loudly, causing the ear drum to completely burst. She looked stunned for a moment, intense pain filling her, only able to hear her screams from one ear.
"Holy hell! Are you STILL screaming?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! SILENCE!" He yelled and thrusted her head down into the bloody water, watching her squirm as she tried to breath, taking in some of the corrupted water. He raised her head back up and listened to her coughing and gasps for air. "Oh no! WAAAAH! WAAAAH! Cry more!" He growled and then thrusted her back under the water, pushing her head against the stone bottom of the moonwell.
She thrashed about wildly, unable to breath, her eyes stuck open, faintly able to make out an object coming towards her under the blood filled water. Soon the image took on its form to her, the wolf pup bouncing up in down in the water like a puppet, in the grips of the man's hand. She tried to scream, filling her lungs with bloody water. Her vision slowly began to fade, reaching out weakly and taking the puppy from the man's hand, holding it close to her face, her silver eyes fluttering closed as death took ahold of her. Innocence failing in this cruel world.
"Your movements have stopped, your thrashing has ceased. No more movements, no more voice, no more soul rests within that body. Sleep...sleep...for you shall not return to this world. Remain unseen for a while, rest, rest..." He spoke into the water, allowing the body to raise above the water, seeing that she has he death clutch upon her poor pup. He smiled lightly, walking over to the mother, opening her amrs and setting the kid into her lap, draping the mother's arms over the child and pup like a loving hug from a mother in death.
"Such a cute family."
He hopped out of the moonwell, slowly making his way down, heading towards the forest, beginning to whistle a lullaby, snapping his fingers, giving it a little hip hop to it. He leaned down on his way, grabbing the bow that the mother had dropped before. His form slipped into the forest, shadows casting theirselves upon him.
Tears dripped down from an elven man's face, holding still in the shadows as the man slipped past him, heading deeper into the forest. As soon as he was sure the murderer was gone, he let out a quiet weeping sound, looking towards the moonwell. His wife, his child, dead because of that man. And he did nothing to stop it! He had been too afraid to protect his little girl, her little pup, his wife, his family.
The elf's form slipped from the shadows, beginning to head towards the moonwell but, something hit him, shoving him down into the dirt of the forest, letting out a yell of pain as a stick jabbed into his kidney.
"Such a little coward, I see! Thought you could hide from me? Oh joy, oh joy! My perception had kicked in and I saw you hiding, your form translucent in the shadows but I could see those glowing eyes of yours!" The murderer had spoke in some sort of tune, almost sounding like a poem to a lover. Before the elf could react, the murderer's hands gripped on the elf's wrists tightly and yanked backwards, propping a foot into the elf's back and forcing him forward.
The elf's eyes went wide as he felt his arms both pop out of their sockets, screaming out in pain. He didn't want to die! He wanted to live, why couldn't he just have stopped at his family! Unable to move his arms now, he saw the bow that his wife used, dangle infront of his face. The string then was placed at his neck, the murderer holding onto the wooden part of the bow behind the elf's head.
He yanked the bow back, driving the string into the elf's neck, choking him. The elf could hear the soft humming of the murderer behind him, sobbing heavily. His murderer was enjoying the life parting from him.
Soon, the elf's eyes bugged out, blood vessels in his eyes popping and tinting his glowing eyes red with blood, it dripping down his pale face.
"I've....been workin' on the raaaaaailroooooad....All the live long daaaay!" The murderer sang out, the choking of the elf filling him with such joy. It was quicker than the rest but he was getting rather bored killing people with such little supplies. It was less fun but soon he had choked the elven male to death, looking down curiously to check if he was really dead. A finger came to the elf's neck, feeling a faint pulse.
"FAKING?!" He yelled out. He watched the elf's eyes jolt open, obviously knowing he had been caught. He struggled to try and crawl away, the bow slipping back off his neck. But this action was halted as a hand came to the bottom of his chin and then another on the back of his head. With a swift twist, he felt his neck snap and then everything going black, diving into sweet oblivion. The murderer let out an almost erotic sigh, shivering in the cold night air as a breeze was cast upon him.
”The mother, the daughter, the dog, the father….the family….so easily taken from this world, cast into a place of darkness and sorrow, separated from one another. Their souls will not go, they will remain with me, adding to the collection of souls that I already have taken. By blood, they all have died, none of natural causes and they will never be free. They are all mine, their deaths living on within my memory. Sleep, spirits, for you are bound to my body, my weapons, my life. If I fall, you all are destroyed, best make yourselves useful!”
The murderer grinned, the air around him distorting, causing some sort of rift to open around his very body from the world of death, revealing the pale ghostly faces of many. The family, soldiers, children, women, all trapped within the area around the murderer, crying out, moaning out in pain.
“I am the Silent Slasher of the day, the night, this world.”
End of Chapter 1!
By now, your probably curious as to why I am such a disturbing person, writing this for my own enjoyment. I write to be creative. I see this as being creative. Blood, pain, and ultimate death. The character remained un-named in the story for the entire time because I wanted to leave openings for readers to call them what they wanted. "Scum" "Psycho" "Crazy son of a bitch". You could decide.
There will be more to come when I have the time to write more of the story.
Story of Ultimate Death
His eyes stirred, feeling a cool breeze across his entire body, giving a shudder as he reached down, trying to grope at his bed for his blankets. Yet, as his fingers came down upon what he layed on, he felt smooth blades of grass in his fingertips. From the blackness under his eyelids, he could hear the racing breeze carrying through the air, whats sounded like leaves rustling rapidly as it tore through.Slowly, his eyelids rose up, blurred in vision but able to tell that he was no longer in the sweet warm safety of his large bed but outside, the sky's stars winking at him from above. His smooth hands came up to rub away the sleepiness at both eyes, his thoughts racing. Where was he? How the hell did he get to this place. A long sigh escaped his mouth, casting host breath into the cool breeze, carrying it away.
He had done everything just as he had done the night before, played his games with his friends, relaxed, didn't allow his eyes to tear from the computer screen. He was average in strength and rather tall. Six feet. His brother must have stole him from his bed and placed him outside as a trick, how, though, was very unbelievable. He was an incredibly light sleeper. Merely, opening his bedroom door would have awakened him from his deep slumber.
Maybe he was sleeping, he thought. Yes, he had to be sleeping, but, since when did dreams feel so realistic? When did dreams give you the same sense of touch as real life? This was so confusing to him!
His hands tore away from his eyes and he gazed up at the sky again, slowly pushing himself and looking down at himself, white skin exposed, all clothing gone but the boxers that he had stripped down to last night. He placed a hand down onto the grass, propping himself up a little as he flung the rest of his body up to his feet, his knees cracking loudly.
Tunnel vision filled the man's eyes, stumbling a little as everything went black, his arms hanging loosely down as he fell into the grass again, mumbling incoherantly. Low blood pressure sucked. Soon, vision came back to his eyes and he growled. He pushed himself into the front leaning rest position and jumped his feet up in between his hands, slowly pushing himself up again.
The surroundings were now clear to him now that he had recovered, gazing around at rather large trees, towering up into the air. There were not trees like this where he lived! He couldn't believe that even the trees in the forests in South America or in the Forests could reach this height. He obviously was in a forest clearing but this was no forest like he had ever seen.
His eyes soon went to a sight that suprised him, causing his heart to skip a beat. There was some sort of stone structure, a square purple archway hanging over it. The water there was glowing! It was a mix between a bright blue and a white, little white sprites giving off from the waters. A moonwell. His eyebrow raised and he twitched a little.
"There is no way in hell...that what I am looking at is real." He told himself, ruffling his dark short brown hair. He shivered and quickly rushed over towards the moonwell, his feet brushing across the cold grass, tickling the bottoms of his feet.
As he neared it, he heard a noise that sounded as if somebody was plucking at a string, a object flying past him, about a couple feet away from him. His eyes widened and he dropped to the ground, army crawling rapidly through the grass, a couple more arrows whizzing above him. He slipped behind the moonwell, using the stone as protection from the arrow.
What a damned bad place this was to drop in! Waking up freezing, no idea where the hell he is, and something firing arrows at him. He slowly peaked his head up just in time to watch a light purple like person burst from the shadows of the forest's trees. Long ears extended behind the woman's head, glowing silver eyes managing to meet the ocean blues of her target.
Such a graceful woman, sprinting with such ease towards him. He could not believe it. An elf was going to try to kill him. She was wearing barely any armor at all, purple mail armor sliding over just enough to cover her areas of privacy.
Now was the time to ensure that he stayed alive against this graceful foe. His blue eyes shot to the quiver that hung on her back. It looked to be about four more arrows. How unprepared and unprofessional! He sighed, placing a hand on the grass, crouching down low. With great speed of his own, he burst out from the cover of the moonwell, racing towards the forest, listening closely.
One arrow, just to his right. He zig zagged, trying to throw off her aim. Another to his left. He let out a loud mocking laugh back at her, not allowing himself to look back as he ran for his life. A sharp pain slid through his bicep, an arrow just grazing it. And finally, he dove, knowing that she wished for the killing shot. As he hit the ground, he heard the air rush by above him, carrying an arrow to hit the trees of the forest.
He popped up to his feet, growling lowly and whirling around to see his foe, standing, her bow still up but without a arrow to knock. He could tell she was pissed. Her very form shook with anger, throwing down her bow as she sprinted towards him again, unarmed, the way he liked it. He sprinted towards her himself, aiming to engage her.
As he closed in, her speed proved to be superior over his basic combat skills, using her body as a weapon. She lunged forward, curling up her body, hitting him in the stomach like a bowling ball. The breath left him as he was cast backwards through the air, the tall and agile elf uncurling in midair, bringing a soft foot to his chest, slamming him down into the ground as he slid across the ground, kicking up dirt and grass.
The momentum threw the elf forward, flying through the air and doing a front flip before she gracefully landed on the ground, her eyes locked on her opponent who seemed to act unphased by the hit, hand springing himself up to his feet, a collection of grass, dirt and a little bit of blood mixed onto his back. He whirled around, hunched over slightly from the hit and grinned.
The elf attacked with incredible speed, combinations of punches and kicks launching like a whirlwind. Each attack hit vital points on the man's body, causing him to be vulnerable to the attacks, blood bursting from his lower lip as a heel connected with his face. Her fighting style was repetative...and he knew the way to counterattack.
To her suprise, the man, bloody and battered, block a finaly kick to his stomach, his left hand catching the top of her foot and his right hand holding the bottom of her heel. She growled and tried to kick his head with the other, foot, whirling around and yelping painfully as he ducked but did not release her foot, twisting it into an awkward position.
His actions were quick, allowing the heel to rest in the palm of his hand for a moment as he began to pull the top of her foot down. His other hand reacted by thrusting the heel upward, twisting the foot into a great and brutal fashion. SNAP! He could hear her screams echo throughout the forest, the bone bursting from her skin at the ankle, blood spraying out towards the man, blood splatter hitting his bare chest.
Clawing at the ground, she could not think, the pain was so intense that she couldn't focus. She didn't even notice the man's cold hands being placed onto her other foot, following the same process with that foot as the other, the bone snapping quickly with his strength. The crippled elf cried out, rapidly spouting out some unknown language out into the forest.
Anger welled up inside of him, growling lowly down at her. He quickly grabbed her long purple hand and yanked backwards, dragging her slowly towards the moonwell, cries of pain echoing through the clearing.
"You DARE cry out for help after you have attacked ME?! You foolish elven whore! Your screams will be silenced soon, oh and how sweet the final screams will be as your life fades away!" The man spat out, looking down at her, her hands gripping at his wrist, helpless it seemed at this very moment.
They arrived at the moonwell and the man quickly placed her head onto the stone side, forcing her mouth open and placing her teeth onto the edge of the moonwell. He brought up his elbow and smashed it down onto the back of her head, watching as the teeth split outwards, blood spraying across the stone and into the glowing waters of the moonwell. Only a grin slid across this man's face.
Her cries split through the air, muffled by the stone. Her conciousness almost being lost. He allowed her a few moments to recover only slightly, hearing her whimpers like an angelic tune from a violin. Then he continued.
He brought her head up and made a mocking whimpering sound at her, causing her to cry out in frustration.
"Telegram for one bitchy night elf! SUPRISE!" He laughed and slammed her head into the stone, hearing a muffled crack. Then again, more cracking. Repeatedly, he found himself mashing the elf's skull into the moonwell, blood dribbling from her head. He panted heavily, heaving the woman up and sliding her into the waters of the moonwell. He jumped up himself, looking down upon her as more and more blood began to mix into the moonwell.
"Oh how one would wish for death right now, hmmm? I'm sure you do. I'm sure your heart just is begging to stop its long and hard work, having to support such a vile life in this world of unknown. And I will grant you what your heart desires...but just...not....yet."
He jumped down into the moonwell, causing the glowing liquid to spray across her face. She mumbled, dazed, destroyed, wishing for a savior. The man's dark form loomed over her, that grin never fading. He reached down and grabbed onto the bare bone that had split out her ankle. He began to pull slowly, causing the elf to thrash about with more intense pain as she felt it being snapped in more places. Soon, the man had a foot long bloody bone within his hands.
He observed the bone that had been removed from her leg, noticing that a nice point had been created at the break. He smiled lightly and began to rapidly stab into the elf's wrist, working his way up to the shoulder on both arms, the glowing moonwell's water soon turning to a glowing red color, corrupting it with elven blood.
"So peaceful like...such a natural elf, feeling the grips of pain within her body. Oh yes, how your screams echo into my mind like a sweet melody." He said, bringing a rough hand across her face, the other driving into the elf's stomach, causing her to gasp out in pain as the grips of death began to take hold of her. He leaned up to her ear and quietly whispered, "Let death take your vile soul from this world unknown...."
The bone stabbed into the elf's jugular, causing her to choke and weakly grab at her neck as the bone tore away from her, blood spraying from her throat. Finally, after a few moments of intense bleeding, her life faded away, leaving her to bleed more and more into the moonwell. A quiet voice spoke from the forest, his ocean blue eyes shooting towards the trees. He ducked lowly, staring off towards the source over the voice.
A small elven girl emerged from the forest's edge, looking over towards the moonwell curiously. She had never seen a moonwell glow red before! And she could faintly see her mother laying in it, her head facing the opposite way. She wore a little dress, holding a little wolf pup in her arms. She rushed over to the moonwell, seeking to see what her mommy was up to.
She looked down at the steps, slowly climbing over the rather large steps for her to get to the edge of the moonwell. Her glowing silver eyes looked at the water, unable to see through it, tainted by too much redness. As her eyes fell onto her mother's dead body, gasping out and tearing up, something stirred underneath the waters.
His head slowly rose from under the bloody moonwell's water, slowly opening his eyes, blood flicking off his eyelashes as he did so. A little elven girl. How sweet, he thought. His hand lunged out and grabbed the little girl's short green hair, yanking her and the little pup into the water.
The elven girl coughed heavily as she rose up in the water, trying to rub the blood from her eyes. Meanwhile, the pup was growling and swimming towards the man. He chuckled softly, grabbing it by the head, clamping its head with the iron grips of a death soon to come.
He lifted it from the water, grabbing its lower body with his free hand. Such a easy twist, listening to the small crack in the wolf pup's neck, the little thing going limp in his hands. He slipped over just in time as the little girl allowed her eyes to open again, recovering the the blood in her eyes. He lifted the dead pup infront of her eyes and waved it around in her face, using two fingers to make the puppy give a little wave to the girl.
The instant the dead pup waved at her, she began to scream in a high pitch, trying to back up but a hand held her there, mashing the puppy into her face, causing her to cry out louder, pleading somebody to help her. The man chuckled and mocked her, making a high pitched scream himself in her ear. Then he stuck his lips by her ear and yelled loudly, causing the ear drum to completely burst. She looked stunned for a moment, intense pain filling her, only able to hear her screams from one ear.
"Holy hell! Are you STILL screaming?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! SILENCE!" He yelled and thrusted her head down into the bloody water, watching her squirm as she tried to breath, taking in some of the corrupted water. He raised her head back up and listened to her coughing and gasps for air. "Oh no! WAAAAH! WAAAAH! Cry more!" He growled and then thrusted her back under the water, pushing her head against the stone bottom of the moonwell.
She thrashed about wildly, unable to breath, her eyes stuck open, faintly able to make out an object coming towards her under the blood filled water. Soon the image took on its form to her, the wolf pup bouncing up in down in the water like a puppet, in the grips of the man's hand. She tried to scream, filling her lungs with bloody water. Her vision slowly began to fade, reaching out weakly and taking the puppy from the man's hand, holding it close to her face, her silver eyes fluttering closed as death took ahold of her. Innocence failing in this cruel world.
"Your movements have stopped, your thrashing has ceased. No more movements, no more voice, no more soul rests within that body. Sleep...sleep...for you shall not return to this world. Remain unseen for a while, rest, rest..." He spoke into the water, allowing the body to raise above the water, seeing that she has he death clutch upon her poor pup. He smiled lightly, walking over to the mother, opening her amrs and setting the kid into her lap, draping the mother's arms over the child and pup like a loving hug from a mother in death.
"Such a cute family."
He hopped out of the moonwell, slowly making his way down, heading towards the forest, beginning to whistle a lullaby, snapping his fingers, giving it a little hip hop to it. He leaned down on his way, grabbing the bow that the mother had dropped before. His form slipped into the forest, shadows casting theirselves upon him.
Tears dripped down from an elven man's face, holding still in the shadows as the man slipped past him, heading deeper into the forest. As soon as he was sure the murderer was gone, he let out a quiet weeping sound, looking towards the moonwell. His wife, his child, dead because of that man. And he did nothing to stop it! He had been too afraid to protect his little girl, her little pup, his wife, his family.
The elf's form slipped from the shadows, beginning to head towards the moonwell but, something hit him, shoving him down into the dirt of the forest, letting out a yell of pain as a stick jabbed into his kidney.
"Such a little coward, I see! Thought you could hide from me? Oh joy, oh joy! My perception had kicked in and I saw you hiding, your form translucent in the shadows but I could see those glowing eyes of yours!" The murderer had spoke in some sort of tune, almost sounding like a poem to a lover. Before the elf could react, the murderer's hands gripped on the elf's wrists tightly and yanked backwards, propping a foot into the elf's back and forcing him forward.
The elf's eyes went wide as he felt his arms both pop out of their sockets, screaming out in pain. He didn't want to die! He wanted to live, why couldn't he just have stopped at his family! Unable to move his arms now, he saw the bow that his wife used, dangle infront of his face. The string then was placed at his neck, the murderer holding onto the wooden part of the bow behind the elf's head.
He yanked the bow back, driving the string into the elf's neck, choking him. The elf could hear the soft humming of the murderer behind him, sobbing heavily. His murderer was enjoying the life parting from him.
Soon, the elf's eyes bugged out, blood vessels in his eyes popping and tinting his glowing eyes red with blood, it dripping down his pale face.
"I've....been workin' on the raaaaaailroooooad....All the live long daaaay!" The murderer sang out, the choking of the elf filling him with such joy. It was quicker than the rest but he was getting rather bored killing people with such little supplies. It was less fun but soon he had choked the elven male to death, looking down curiously to check if he was really dead. A finger came to the elf's neck, feeling a faint pulse.
"FAKING?!" He yelled out. He watched the elf's eyes jolt open, obviously knowing he had been caught. He struggled to try and crawl away, the bow slipping back off his neck. But this action was halted as a hand came to the bottom of his chin and then another on the back of his head. With a swift twist, he felt his neck snap and then everything going black, diving into sweet oblivion. The murderer let out an almost erotic sigh, shivering in the cold night air as a breeze was cast upon him.
”The mother, the daughter, the dog, the father….the family….so easily taken from this world, cast into a place of darkness and sorrow, separated from one another. Their souls will not go, they will remain with me, adding to the collection of souls that I already have taken. By blood, they all have died, none of natural causes and they will never be free. They are all mine, their deaths living on within my memory. Sleep, spirits, for you are bound to my body, my weapons, my life. If I fall, you all are destroyed, best make yourselves useful!”
The murderer grinned, the air around him distorting, causing some sort of rift to open around his very body from the world of death, revealing the pale ghostly faces of many. The family, soldiers, children, women, all trapped within the area around the murderer, crying out, moaning out in pain.
“I am the Silent Slasher of the day, the night, this world.”
End of Chapter 1!
By now, your probably curious as to why I am such a disturbing person, writing this for my own enjoyment. I write to be creative. I see this as being creative. Blood, pain, and ultimate death. The character remained un-named in the story for the entire time because I wanted to leave openings for readers to call them what they wanted. "Scum" "Psycho" "Crazy son of a bitch". You could decide.
There will be more to come when I have the time to write more of the story.
Inspiration. It is a wonderful thing. To think, watching somebody could inspire you to do something, or you can simply shrug it off.
My inspiration came from two epic people. Cynra of, RP blogger, and I was never into looking at blogs too much until I found these two. I enjoyed reading whatever they had posted everyday.
You know why? Because they spouted off anything they wanted! The ability to post whatever you want, say whatever you want...and people listen. They speak back to you about their opinions on such topics.
I say this is an excellent way to meet people and asshats that slowly turn into cuddly teddy bears after reading for a while. Thats what I did with Cynra over there.
It started out as me being compeletely bored and in a psychopathic mood(What a suprise for me!). So, I set off in search of blogs. After finding Cynra's I proceeded to enter in a random bunch of cuss words and such, needing some entertainment. Though, maybe something in the back of my mind thought she wouldn't respond.
She did. And with an odd suprising kindness it seemed! Now thats a way to defeat somebody. Parry their attack and stab them with a bitta kindness. =) In truth, I'm a psychopathic teddy bear of doom. I was just having a off day.
Now I find myself reading the BBB and Cynra's posts on their blogs, giving some good entertainment to my boring days! I now enjoy blogging, myself, giving myself a place to spout off my thoughts. I encourage all readers...make your own blog...whether you want it to be seen or not. Its a good place to vent.
If you want it to be seen...throw up a comment about your blog (Yes, I will read them) and I will ensure that it gets into one of my posts for people to check it out. I realize I may be talking to a complete black wall of nothingness at the moment, for I am not all too popular since this is new, but eventually some lost souls will find their way here.
Yes, I am a roleplayer. I have been on many servers, slowly converting over and over, meeting new people of the world, honestly...I've blown $250 on transferring alone, starting over, experiencing new people in new places. I tend to sway towards the evil rp because well..I'm rather good at being evil and making my character rather interesting-So I am told.
I've ran mercenary guilds...I've ran Scarlet Crusade guilds...I have been the officer in I could say over 40 guilds? I rise in the ranks fast with my ability to help others, contribute to the guild bank, and make epic events.
I've been a rper ever since I was like..9 back in the good ol' AOL chatrooms on dial up =) Half of my life, I have been roleplaying. My grammar has gotten better, my rping skills, my character's personalities!
I've been quite advanced in the ways of evil on my characters, able to manipulate people, call forth some followers from the shadows, and become one of the most evil villains around on the servers I've been to.
I enjoy RP a lot. I has kept me entertained for years and it will continue to do so.
Thank ye for postin', Lady Cynra, let the darkness embrace yer soul a thousand times over.
My inspiration came from two epic people. Cynra of, RP blogger, and I was never into looking at blogs too much until I found these two. I enjoyed reading whatever they had posted everyday.
You know why? Because they spouted off anything they wanted! The ability to post whatever you want, say whatever you want...and people listen. They speak back to you about their opinions on such topics.
I say this is an excellent way to meet people and asshats that slowly turn into cuddly teddy bears after reading for a while. Thats what I did with Cynra over there.
It started out as me being compeletely bored and in a psychopathic mood(What a suprise for me!). So, I set off in search of blogs. After finding Cynra's I proceeded to enter in a random bunch of cuss words and such, needing some entertainment. Though, maybe something in the back of my mind thought she wouldn't respond.
She did. And with an odd suprising kindness it seemed! Now thats a way to defeat somebody. Parry their attack and stab them with a bitta kindness. =) In truth, I'm a psychopathic teddy bear of doom. I was just having a off day.
Now I find myself reading the BBB and Cynra's posts on their blogs, giving some good entertainment to my boring days! I now enjoy blogging, myself, giving myself a place to spout off my thoughts. I encourage all readers...make your own blog...whether you want it to be seen or not. Its a good place to vent.
If you want it to be seen...throw up a comment about your blog (Yes, I will read them) and I will ensure that it gets into one of my posts for people to check it out. I realize I may be talking to a complete black wall of nothingness at the moment, for I am not all too popular since this is new, but eventually some lost souls will find their way here.
Yes, I am a roleplayer. I have been on many servers, slowly converting over and over, meeting new people of the world, honestly...I've blown $250 on transferring alone, starting over, experiencing new people in new places. I tend to sway towards the evil rp because well..I'm rather good at being evil and making my character rather interesting-So I am told.
I've ran mercenary guilds...I've ran Scarlet Crusade guilds...I have been the officer in I could say over 40 guilds? I rise in the ranks fast with my ability to help others, contribute to the guild bank, and make epic events.
I've been a rper ever since I was like..9 back in the good ol' AOL chatrooms on dial up =) Half of my life, I have been roleplaying. My grammar has gotten better, my rping skills, my character's personalities!
I've been quite advanced in the ways of evil on my characters, able to manipulate people, call forth some followers from the shadows, and become one of the most evil villains around on the servers I've been to.
I enjoy RP a lot. I has kept me entertained for years and it will continue to do so.
Thank ye for postin', Lady Cynra, let the darkness embrace yer soul a thousand times over.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Assistance to a Friend
First off...You have blown my cover, good sir, and you deserve to be punished for it. I'll be sure to rick roll you later when I see you.
NOW! Blackberry Storm- All I gotta say is...They need more features...the more they add, the more flashy they look so more people will waste about a good 500 bucks on a phone that pretty much is an mp3, internet, and a phone. But what kind of tard would do that?
MP3 player- Like friggen only $30 nowadays?
Phone- Cheap cell phone with pay as you go. $100 tops.
Internet- Like $30 a month depending on who you use.
Computer to run the internet on- Hell, you could buy the crappiest computer alive and pretty much it would have the equivilant internet acess as the damn phone. Lets go 300 bucks so I can prove a point.
Point- You wasted a buncha money. Gratz tard.
Apple- Apple? No. Apple does not even exist here. I phased it out once I read anything about advertising the damn apple computers.
Windows- Shut up about Vista. Windows allows you to play games in an epic nature. If I have to put up with some of the minor shit from Vista, I'll go with it. WoW > Mac and QQing about Vista.
Tyler Perry- ....Who?
Flavor Flav- Anyone can be a retard who uses a word then takes half of the word he just used as a name and adds it onto his name. Mentioning him just proved that your soul is corrupted by wannabe gangsters.
Wii- I agree. Wii sucks. I'm not suprised somebody hasn't whipped that controller out the window on accident and hit a baby in the face in a stroller on the sidewalk across from the street.
Frank- His name is Frank, what do you expect?
K- I'm a complete psychopath.
You've been smited by the are the weakest link.
NOW! Blackberry Storm- All I gotta say is...They need more features...the more they add, the more flashy they look so more people will waste about a good 500 bucks on a phone that pretty much is an mp3, internet, and a phone. But what kind of tard would do that?
MP3 player- Like friggen only $30 nowadays?
Phone- Cheap cell phone with pay as you go. $100 tops.
Internet- Like $30 a month depending on who you use.
Computer to run the internet on- Hell, you could buy the crappiest computer alive and pretty much it would have the equivilant internet acess as the damn phone. Lets go 300 bucks so I can prove a point.
Point- You wasted a buncha money. Gratz tard.
Apple- Apple? No. Apple does not even exist here. I phased it out once I read anything about advertising the damn apple computers.
Windows- Shut up about Vista. Windows allows you to play games in an epic nature. If I have to put up with some of the minor shit from Vista, I'll go with it. WoW > Mac and QQing about Vista.
Tyler Perry- ....Who?
Flavor Flav- Anyone can be a retard who uses a word then takes half of the word he just used as a name and adds it onto his name. Mentioning him just proved that your soul is corrupted by wannabe gangsters.
Wii- I agree. Wii sucks. I'm not suprised somebody hasn't whipped that controller out the window on accident and hit a baby in the face in a stroller on the sidewalk across from the street.
Frank- His name is Frank, what do you expect?
K- I'm a complete psychopath.
You've been smited by the are the weakest link.
SmiterofQQers I need you!
Gargomel here, Co Writer for the Shadow Corner. If you don't know, Kelathos is also known as the SmiterofQQers. I have some things to QQ about and I need him to tell me why I'm overreacting.
Blackberry Storm - The touch screen clicks on the phone, and they tout that as a feature? WTF? I'm fairly sure that that is more of an inconvenience, especially to students. If it can be turned off it will, if it can't then smooth move guys.
Apple and Windows Commercials - Apple, its really sad that you can't advertise your product without bashing PC's and PC users. Maybe you could talk about your computer's features... OH WAIT, never mind macs don't have any that are useful. They are however 100% right on one thing. Microsoft, stop advertising, fix Vista. I personally have no problems with my Vista, it boots and gets me logged in in 33.7 seconds, and it doesn't hog resources if you know how to rig it to run quicker. But they should fix it for the people who are completely computer retarded. Like Mac users. Like I always say: Macs are rated EC for Early Childhood computers, PC's are E for everyone.
Tyler Perry, Flavor Flav, Whoever hosts Chocolate News - You guys SUCK! All you do is eccentuate stereotypical views on black people. I will address each of you in turn.
Tyler Perry - If House of Paine is the best cable sitcom of all time, then all cable sitcoms before it really sucked. I see all the characters are there: The blue collar overweight, well everyone. The recovering crack addict mom. The sarcastic, rude, overbearing grandparents.
Flavor Flav - You are the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen. Your face looks like a blown out tire. Plus, you're like 50, rich, and famous. You aren't a thug anymore, stop pretending to be one.
Chocolate News Host - You're jokes are lame, repetitive, and just reinforce negative stereotypes. You are what Dave Chappelle was worried about becoming.
Now to avoid any comments accusing me of racism:
The Wii - Woo you have a wireless remote that uses a laser and sensors to detect movement. If only it worked in a useful way, and to make things better, an interesting game that doesn't play better and look better on a different system.
Frank Caliendo - Your voice barely changes. You aren't funny or in any way interesting. However congrats on being the only person who was on Mad TV who isn't still only on Mad TV.
[Adult Swim] - You dropped Korgoth, assholes. You don't listen to the viewers so you get less ratings. And you put anime night on Saturday, when people are out doing things. Grats on acquiring King of the Hill.
[Adult Swim] Viewers - If you don't constantly whine about TaEASGJ and Family Guy. Good for you. Otherwise STFU.
Some choice people in my circle of friends - I won't write full names but they will know when they read this:
A: You helped down Illidan, grats. If you had been in group from start to finish or if we wouldn't see people 5 manning it in 3 weeks, It'd be more epic. Oh and Z isn't trying to steal your girl. Calm down.
R: You brag about having every Fullmetal Alchemist episode and you didn't know they making more (actually a remake) episodes? WTF man?
Z: A gets on you nerves, I get it.
Please school me mighty Smiter of QQers
Blackberry Storm - The touch screen clicks on the phone, and they tout that as a feature? WTF? I'm fairly sure that that is more of an inconvenience, especially to students. If it can be turned off it will, if it can't then smooth move guys.
Apple and Windows Commercials - Apple, its really sad that you can't advertise your product without bashing PC's and PC users. Maybe you could talk about your computer's features... OH WAIT, never mind macs don't have any that are useful. They are however 100% right on one thing. Microsoft, stop advertising, fix Vista. I personally have no problems with my Vista, it boots and gets me logged in in 33.7 seconds, and it doesn't hog resources if you know how to rig it to run quicker. But they should fix it for the people who are completely computer retarded. Like Mac users. Like I always say: Macs are rated EC for Early Childhood computers, PC's are E for everyone.
Tyler Perry, Flavor Flav, Whoever hosts Chocolate News - You guys SUCK! All you do is eccentuate stereotypical views on black people. I will address each of you in turn.
Tyler Perry - If House of Paine is the best cable sitcom of all time, then all cable sitcoms before it really sucked. I see all the characters are there: The blue collar overweight, well everyone. The recovering crack addict mom. The sarcastic, rude, overbearing grandparents.
Flavor Flav - You are the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen. Your face looks like a blown out tire. Plus, you're like 50, rich, and famous. You aren't a thug anymore, stop pretending to be one.
Chocolate News Host - You're jokes are lame, repetitive, and just reinforce negative stereotypes. You are what Dave Chappelle was worried about becoming.
Now to avoid any comments accusing me of racism:
The Wii - Woo you have a wireless remote that uses a laser and sensors to detect movement. If only it worked in a useful way, and to make things better, an interesting game that doesn't play better and look better on a different system.
Frank Caliendo - Your voice barely changes. You aren't funny or in any way interesting. However congrats on being the only person who was on Mad TV who isn't still only on Mad TV.
[Adult Swim] - You dropped Korgoth, assholes. You don't listen to the viewers so you get less ratings. And you put anime night on Saturday, when people are out doing things. Grats on acquiring King of the Hill.
[Adult Swim] Viewers - If you don't constantly whine about TaEASGJ and Family Guy. Good for you. Otherwise STFU.
Some choice people in my circle of friends - I won't write full names but they will know when they read this:
A: You helped down Illidan, grats. If you had been in group from start to finish or if we wouldn't see people 5 manning it in 3 weeks, It'd be more epic. Oh and Z isn't trying to steal your girl. Calm down.
R: You brag about having every Fullmetal Alchemist episode and you didn't know they making more (actually a remake) episodes? WTF man?
Z: A gets on you nerves, I get it.
Please school me mighty Smiter of QQers
Ret Paladins
Here we go! Retribution Paladins! When I first made Kelathos, I was on the realm Twisting Nether. He was pure retribution until about level 50. Then, my friend recomended me to healing. Being a healing noob, I stacked up on intellect and had a huuuuuge mana pool. I managed to heal some places fine but yeah...some friendly paladins taught me how to get bonus healing...
Anywho! This is a ret paladin topic! Now lets see. There are a lot of QQers on the forums crying about how ret is utterly useless and will not longer be used in raids/etc. There are also people CANCELING their damn accounts over this.
You know what I think? I think it is just an excuse to quit the game. Maybe they felt like they needed to stop letting this game take up the majority of their life. Maybe they just needed to stop blowing money...But this is only an EXCUSE to quit. I bet the majority of those people who cancelled did not even PLAY their paladin after the first little nerf.
And you know what I found out? Paladins are still fine. Its just we can finally run outta mana. I say its a little too fast. See, Northrend is gonna be a lot of undead. If us paladins use our pwn faysing exorcism and holy wrath, our mana seems to shoot down. I say these two attacks should have lowered mana so it does not take as much mana away. PLUS it has NO effect in pvp unless you intend to stun a demon pet/kill it.
I was in Karazhan the other day and tried cycling this list of skills.
Seal of Command (To start out)
Crusader Strike
Divine Storm
Holy Wrath
This cycle drains your mana pretty quick. Although, if I had better gear, I suppose it could last just a while longer but it still drains mana like a bitch. Although, I was 2nd in dps below an epicced out arms warrior. But a paladin SHOULD do a lot of damage in an undead instance/raid. Thats what they are strongest against.
I've been in pvp lately too and saw that paladins still do a lot of the damage. I think we will be hit with another nerf soon but I do not mind. Of course I don't! I'm making a Death Knight straight away when I get Wrath downloaded. But I intend to level my ret paladin later on.
The thing is, people want to be OP. Ever since warlocks became "The OP Class" as a lot of people like to call them, there has been a jump in warlocks. A lot of people had alt paladins who they leveled up and kept in hiding until the patch. Then there was a big inflation of ret paladin players.
I say...people who wanna cry about ret paladins....just go start a new class you think would be better. Hell, Ret paladins weren't all that good at all! But I STILL played one. I continued to play it because I thought it'd be excellent to learn the spec, see the skills, see what kind of damage it can do. I don't care if I get raped in DPS honestly. Just the experience is good enough to me.
Anywho! This is a ret paladin topic! Now lets see. There are a lot of QQers on the forums crying about how ret is utterly useless and will not longer be used in raids/etc. There are also people CANCELING their damn accounts over this.
You know what I think? I think it is just an excuse to quit the game. Maybe they felt like they needed to stop letting this game take up the majority of their life. Maybe they just needed to stop blowing money...But this is only an EXCUSE to quit. I bet the majority of those people who cancelled did not even PLAY their paladin after the first little nerf.
And you know what I found out? Paladins are still fine. Its just we can finally run outta mana. I say its a little too fast. See, Northrend is gonna be a lot of undead. If us paladins use our pwn faysing exorcism and holy wrath, our mana seems to shoot down. I say these two attacks should have lowered mana so it does not take as much mana away. PLUS it has NO effect in pvp unless you intend to stun a demon pet/kill it.
I was in Karazhan the other day and tried cycling this list of skills.
Seal of Command (To start out)
Crusader Strike
Divine Storm
Holy Wrath
This cycle drains your mana pretty quick. Although, if I had better gear, I suppose it could last just a while longer but it still drains mana like a bitch. Although, I was 2nd in dps below an epicced out arms warrior. But a paladin SHOULD do a lot of damage in an undead instance/raid. Thats what they are strongest against.
I've been in pvp lately too and saw that paladins still do a lot of the damage. I think we will be hit with another nerf soon but I do not mind. Of course I don't! I'm making a Death Knight straight away when I get Wrath downloaded. But I intend to level my ret paladin later on.
The thing is, people want to be OP. Ever since warlocks became "The OP Class" as a lot of people like to call them, there has been a jump in warlocks. A lot of people had alt paladins who they leveled up and kept in hiding until the patch. Then there was a big inflation of ret paladin players.
I say...people who wanna cry about ret paladins....just go start a new class you think would be better. Hell, Ret paladins weren't all that good at all! But I STILL played one. I continued to play it because I thought it'd be excellent to learn the spec, see the skills, see what kind of damage it can do. I don't care if I get raped in DPS honestly. Just the experience is good enough to me.
Kelathos the Oblivion
Hello, I'm Kelathos the Oblivion, a 18 year old National Guardsman. I've completed Basic Training so far and can't wait to go to my Advanced Individual Training this summer.
I'm not very experienced in writing blogs, this is my first blog but I hope to do well with it. I'm a big world of warcraft player on the Server: Sisters of Elune. This is a mild rp server, unfortunately. I transferred my characters there after being on Moon Guard for a while.
Moon Guard was fun for a while but I found that it got quite boring at times, missing the many storylines that many people restricted to just their own guild. I find this stupid. Why limit your events to just guildies? Get some other people involved outside of the guild and you may find out that you event could just become epic!
On Sisters of Elune, I help run a guild called "Remnant." Its mainly just a group of my friends that used the free character transfer on over to Sisters, looking for a new place to start anew. We don't really have a background story yet. I suppose the description would be a bunch of unique characters coming together to start a guild and see where it goes.
Everyone in the guild is unique because I, pesonally, encourage it. A druid with blighter powers, a hunter that tries her best to be simple and boring, which in turn makes her interesting, a rogue with the tongue of a snake! I want people to be their own unique person. But, no, I will not have somebody do vampire RP xP. See, I want people to use their own ideas instead of just taking them from other's minds.
I ask them questions...Would you really want to be a vampire? You bite necks and drink blood? If you don't drink blood, you die pretty much? Eh, why not think...just think about what you want your character to have? Who do you truly want your character to be?
I have a level 70, Kelathos Bloodstar, a corrupted paladin who will soon become my level 55 death knight in two days.
I have a 70 human mage, Ignuss, who is a complete psychopath. He will be disappearing for a while in RP because of me, mass leveling my Death Knight.
I have a female draenei shaman named Stormclaws. Level 49. She is a silent farseer, barely says a damn thing. I made a female character because honestly, the male draenei look horrible. = /
A 46 undead rogue named Kelathoss. I don't play him often and will see myself lacking to play him even more when the expansion hits. There is a level 11 hunter dwarf named Nargin who is my bartender. He is a big element in Drunken Thursdays of the guild I help lead. I also have a level 14 warlock who is yet to be renamed. Now it is like Kitu12323zadddawdadsdf or some sort of thing like that. He will be the Game Master in the guild, creating and managing the gambling games I have created up in my mind.
Today is Veteran's Day! I am happy to see how people show their respect even if they are loud and obnoxious. Except for today, I saw something that pissed me off. I am a senior in high school, sitting in a web design class at this very moment. Over the intercom, the principal asked for everyone to have a moment of silence for those who died defending this country, those who were wounded, etc. As the silence went on, I was stunned to hear some freshman in the front of class start to play a song on his computer.
How in the hell can somebody be so disrespectful. He even started laughing before he turned the music off, pretty much snickering the entire time until the moment of silence was over. It just makes me want to punch the kid but eh, I'd rather not.
Who wants to waste their time on one asshat? There are plenty in the world. I would rather think of the good people, I will be defending whenever I get shipped out to Iraq. The people who respect us soldiers.
Anyways! I have gone on long enough for this post.
I'm not very experienced in writing blogs, this is my first blog but I hope to do well with it. I'm a big world of warcraft player on the Server: Sisters of Elune. This is a mild rp server, unfortunately. I transferred my characters there after being on Moon Guard for a while.
Moon Guard was fun for a while but I found that it got quite boring at times, missing the many storylines that many people restricted to just their own guild. I find this stupid. Why limit your events to just guildies? Get some other people involved outside of the guild and you may find out that you event could just become epic!
On Sisters of Elune, I help run a guild called "Remnant." Its mainly just a group of my friends that used the free character transfer on over to Sisters, looking for a new place to start anew. We don't really have a background story yet. I suppose the description would be a bunch of unique characters coming together to start a guild and see where it goes.
Everyone in the guild is unique because I, pesonally, encourage it. A druid with blighter powers, a hunter that tries her best to be simple and boring, which in turn makes her interesting, a rogue with the tongue of a snake! I want people to be their own unique person. But, no, I will not have somebody do vampire RP xP. See, I want people to use their own ideas instead of just taking them from other's minds.
I ask them questions...Would you really want to be a vampire? You bite necks and drink blood? If you don't drink blood, you die pretty much? Eh, why not think...just think about what you want your character to have? Who do you truly want your character to be?
I have a level 70, Kelathos Bloodstar, a corrupted paladin who will soon become my level 55 death knight in two days.
I have a 70 human mage, Ignuss, who is a complete psychopath. He will be disappearing for a while in RP because of me, mass leveling my Death Knight.
I have a female draenei shaman named Stormclaws. Level 49. She is a silent farseer, barely says a damn thing. I made a female character because honestly, the male draenei look horrible. = /
A 46 undead rogue named Kelathoss. I don't play him often and will see myself lacking to play him even more when the expansion hits. There is a level 11 hunter dwarf named Nargin who is my bartender. He is a big element in Drunken Thursdays of the guild I help lead. I also have a level 14 warlock who is yet to be renamed. Now it is like Kitu12323zadddawdadsdf or some sort of thing like that. He will be the Game Master in the guild, creating and managing the gambling games I have created up in my mind.
Today is Veteran's Day! I am happy to see how people show their respect even if they are loud and obnoxious. Except for today, I saw something that pissed me off. I am a senior in high school, sitting in a web design class at this very moment. Over the intercom, the principal asked for everyone to have a moment of silence for those who died defending this country, those who were wounded, etc. As the silence went on, I was stunned to hear some freshman in the front of class start to play a song on his computer.
How in the hell can somebody be so disrespectful. He even started laughing before he turned the music off, pretty much snickering the entire time until the moment of silence was over. It just makes me want to punch the kid but eh, I'd rather not.
Who wants to waste their time on one asshat? There are plenty in the world. I would rather think of the good people, I will be defending whenever I get shipped out to Iraq. The people who respect us soldiers.
Anyways! I have gone on long enough for this post.
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